B.L. Twitchell


B.L. Twitchell

B.L. Twitchell

Action & Adventure, Humor, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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    Nov 2021

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    United States

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I’ve always enjoyed writing. It started off in grade school when I would write poems and enter them into contests listed in the backs of magazines, hoping to win it big and become famous like a lot of kids dream about. In high school, short stories replaced my poems. Even though I mostly kept those stories to myself, I continued to daydream about them as I got older. As an adult, I desired to write full-length books to get those larger stories out of my head and onto paper. And so here we are!

In life, I find it’s much easier to look on the positive side of things and to laugh every chance you get. Find what you love. Take those risks. After all, you miss out on 100% of the chances you don’t take!

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